Posted Fri, 10/07/2011 – 22:15
Green Energy Plan Saskatchewan (GEPS) have issued a series of five reports called Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future:
GEPS’ goal is to create a comprehensive, technically sound plan to transform Saskatchewan’s electricity grid to run on renewable energy sources in a way that will also be economically & socially beneficial for rural, urban & First Nations communities.
Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future (Part 5)
The Public Policies Needed to Build a Renewable Energy Society in Saskatchewan – by Peter Prebble
Executive Summary
Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future (Part 4)
Plugging the Gap: Sustainable Power Options to Complement Wind and Solar by Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future (Part 3)
The Potential for Wind and Solar Power by Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future (Part 2)
Using Electricity More Efficiently by Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Transforming Saskatchewan’s Electrical Future (Part 1)
Sustainability is Achievable, But How Do We Get There? by Mark Bigland-Pritchard and Peter Prebble